Verbal Facilitation
If you are asking for a life that hasn't shown up yet, these 90 minute sessions are created to clear the limitations you have around any subject. During my sessions I have had one target. What can you recieve and is now the time to choose to recieve it?. Sometimes it entities, sometimes its conclusions, and often implants that merely need to be acknowledged, and addressed. Sessions are done on Zoom, and scheduled as soon as payment is recieved
Si estás pidiendo una vida que aún no ha aparecido, estas sesiones de 90 minutos están creadas para despejar las limitaciones que tienes en torno a cualquier tema. Durante las 1000 sesiones facilitadas en los últimos 15 años he tenido un objetivo. Abrirte a ti y a tu vida a lo que es posible más allá de tus puntos de vista. ¿Es ahora el momento?